Car Window Poetry

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It's a little crazy/weird/awesome that A Night to Write is actually happening.

Car Window Poetry, this idea that popped in my head early last month, an idea I fought for not to become a pipedream, is one week away from having its first-ever event. And I'm so excited to see this vision carried out by a talented community of poets right here in Colorado Springs.

My deepest desire for this event is that people who know they're poets, people who dabble in poetry, and people who don't believe they're poets at all would join together under the belief that words are the most powerful force on this planet and recognize that their contribution to this project is valuable.

Whether it's a submitted poem, share on social media, or you mentioning Car Window Poetry in a conversation with your friend, your contribution, no matter how big or small, goes a long way towards covering our community with beauty and hope.

I'm a firm believer that growth happens in the tiny steps. Life is the sum of each day lived. Each day that passes is one day closer to our first-ever event, and each person in attendance is a vessel carrying this movement further. It starts with you.

If you're interested in using your words to give hurting humans hope, RSVP to A Night to Write here.

Much love!