Car Window Poetry

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What This 40-Year-Old Learned from a Third-Grader

This is my friend JB. We both work for Young Life. A few nights ago, after watching Bryson the Three-Legged Dog, JB emailed me and shared his story.

JB was born with a collapsed lung, so his ribs on the right side of his body didn’t grow “normally” leading to his chest being sunken in. As a kid, he was not only severely insecure but terribly bullied.

Although these struggles almost led to JB taking his own life, he has found the strength to keep going through God, his family and running. Despite having a collapsed lung, JB is signed up to run this year’s Pikes Peak Marathon. Literally a race up a mountain!

Now 40 years old, JB hasn't let what he can't change disqualify him from living a great story. That's why, at the end of his email, he wrote, "I am Bryson, Bryson is me."

Bryson the Three-Legged Dog is a story about not letting what’s different about you keep you from having fun, living your best life, or being happy. It's not only a story for kids, but one us grown ups can learn a lot from too!

With love,