Car Window Poetry is Headed to Africa!
This summer, we have the opportunity to travel to Uganda with an amazing organization, Beauty for Ashes Uganda, that works towards long-term sustainable development and deep healing for single moms and widows in the Teso Region of Uganda!
Car Window Poetry is partnering with Beauty for Ashes Uganda to empower single moms and windows who are learning how to read and write for the first time by:
- Ensuring that one of the first things they know how to read is an encouraging poem reminding them of their worth and value.
- Training these incredible women on how to write poems they can meaningfully share with others.
When I started Car Window Poetry, I never thought it would reach outside of Colorado Springs. But, in a matter of months, I've seen Car Window Poetry become a global movement with people sharing encouraging poems across the United States and in over 40 countries around the world.
Today, you can help us continue spreading kindness worldwide by giving a tax-deductible donation to help us meet our fundraising goal of $3700.
Your financial support will help us:
- Pay for airfare.
- Have a place to stay
- Order a travel visa.
- Give hurting humans hope through words of life and love.
Every donation counts! Thank you for your support in helping us prove that small acts of love can make a big difference in the lives of those around us!
With love,